Friday, June 19, 2009

Haven't been feeling too witty...

Which is why there has not been much posting. Like any. For a while.

Kids are out of school, and the lovely June weather has felt more like early October with the cold and the rain. I can see my breath in front of my face at work. I thought we were in the midst of a GLOBAL warming cycle. I think I've ranted about this before, so I will simply reiterate: For any phenomenon to be GLOBAL, there cannot be such wildly local variances.

Anyway, kids are kids. They can drive one batty. Coop them up for a few days of their summer vacations because of the colder temps and rain, and that multiplies. Add a general lack of proper sleep for their supervising daddy, and you have frayed nerves, headaches all over the place, and all-around crankiness.

And that's just from Wyfster putting up with me (I kid. Really. My wife has been great, as always).

The lack of sleep comes from having lost one car to total structural breakdown. a few inches of play in the rear axle makes for sideways driving. Fun fun. Anyway, since we are to one car, this means that Wyfster gets home about the same time I should be clocking in at work. I told them the situation, and it's cool there, but this means I have been gettign into work later. Which means I have been working later. The past few days, I have been on the clock until the wee hours, one day just beating the birds chirping the morning by about a half-hour or so.

Wyfster looks forward to our vacations to Florida each year. It's one week to visit my dad, and take in the sun, sand, ocean, and other Florida treasures. I think I'm looking forward to this vacation more than I have any previous ones.

Don't get me wrong, I like my job. My co-workers are all on different shifts than mine, so I get along with them just fine, because I don't have to work with them for extended periods of time. I don't mind the work itself, and I like to think I'm good at it. Since my boss hasn't complained, I take that to be a good thing (especially since he has "overlooked" a couple of minor industrial accidents, and still wants me around. Seriously. A faulty overflow alarm led to my trying to put about 300 gallons of oil more into a 14,000 gallon outside tank than it could hold. The clean-up took a couple of hours, and my boss STILL likes me, and wants to keep me around. The company owner's reaction to the overflow was to chuckle and say "Well, we haven't done THAT in a while"). Seriously. I work for great people, and that can make all the difference in liking your job.

Having said all that, I really am looking forward to getting the Hell away from it all for a week.

I would prefer more time away, but I'll take what I can get. Maybe my witticism batteries will recharge, and I can keep this blog going.

Or at the very least, not snap at the cats for eating so loudly.

Did I mention I need a vacation?

1 comment:

  1. I thought I scared you away from blogging with my snarky comments. ;) Enjoy your vaca! ~Beth
